This phenomenon is called “brain fog” and it can be nerve-racking, creating a mental cloud of anxiety that can have you frantically searching Google for answers. The good news is that it’s usually just temporary, and with the right lifestyle changes, you can get your brain back on track. We talked to experts to learn what you can do to get rid of brain fog and improve your mental clarity.

What Is Brain Fog?

Brain fog is a general feeling of forgetfulness and confusion that is often paired with difficulty concentrating. “The best way to describe it is when you really just don’t feel like yourself. It’s actually your brain’s way of telling you that something isn’t optimal,” explains Mike Dow, PhD, PsyD, brain health expert and author of The Brain Fog Fix ($16, “It can unfold differently for different people. It could be trouble bringing words to mind, a gray mood, low energy, or forgetfulness.” While the causes of brain fog can vary from a lack of sleep to a stressful week at work, most experts suggest switching up your routine before seeking treatment. However, if the following lifestyle changes don’t improve your brain fog, reach out to your doctor to determine if an underlying medical condition could be to blame.

While you may not want to skip your favorite goodies entirely, experts recommend incorporating more anti-inflammatory foods or brain-boosting drinks into your diet. “Eating a variety of fruits and vegetables every day, and taking prebiotics and probiotics, can introduce healthy bacteria into the gut, which helps your body better produce those brain-boosting neurotransmitters,” explains Dow. “You’ll also want to make sure you’re getting enough omega-3s, either from clean seafood or supplements, which can also remedy brain fog.” Intermittent fasting—limiting your eating window to window of time such as eight or 10 hours per day—may also improve brain function. “Intermittent fasting causes new brain cell growth, called neurogenesis. By giving your body a break from digesting, you’re actually giving your brain a break as well,” Bridges says. According to experts, we have something called ultradian rhythms, which are cycles that play out during our waking hours. According to Bridges, research suggests that working in 90-minute intervals, and then taking a break to get water, take a short walk, or make a phone call, can help improve your brain power. “By minimizing those stretches of work time, you alleviate the stress on your brain.” Meditation can also help clear your head. Dow recommends meditating for 12 minutes every day (although even a few minutes will help). And absolutely, try to put the phone down for a few hours a day to prevent information overload. “Exercise increases blood flow and oxygen to the brain, helping it to perform at its peak,” Dow explains. The good news is you don’t always have to hop on a spin bike or get in some burpees to get moving (although those help!). Even a daily walk or other low-impact workout—an hour is best—can reset your brain.